what to do?

I have an employee who we "think" may be popping a few too many percocet pills. She tends to be out "sick" during deadlines. Granted, deadline time is very hectic and stressful and we think that the stress may very well make her sick. But her behavior gets strange sometimes. Example, she reports to work early one day (6am) and seems fine throughout the morning. Right after lunch, her speech gets a little slurry and, for lack of a better term, she gets a little loopy. One of her co-workers states she saw her take a pill while eating lunch. Last time she was out, we asked for a doctor's note, which she produced. My personal thoughts are she can't handle the stress, that the stress does really make her ill. She's had surgery, hence the pain pill theory. We know she has taken them, she tends to speak freely about personal matters. The manager is at his wit's end. She's always out at critical times. This is a small staff, so when she is out, it creates a hardship. What to do? What to do? She may have a problem, or we're way off base and have too many assumptions. I advised to deal with this strictly as an attendance issue, but when her behavior gets a little odd, people get uncomfortable and I suspect this will all blow up in my face. Your thoughts on the matter?
Best wishes.
In both cases the ee revealed that they were on some heavy medications. We expressed our concern for their safety and the safety of others, and asked them to go back to the doctor and review the necessity of their medications. So far, no more issues.
This is a more touchy/feely approach, but it sticks to the facts of being absent when their presence is needed.