Employment Verification - new twist for me

I have never had this happen before. A former employee called me and asked ME to contact her current employer to verify her prior employment with us.

This employee left us in 2000, and I have already done 5 employment verifications for her. This time she says she is moving into another department with the same employer and they (her current employer) asked her to get her previous employers to fax them something in writing on our letterhead verifying employment.

I told her that they must contact me. She then wanted to know if she sent me something in writing if I could verify and then forward it to her current employer.

Have I just been lucky, or is this weird? Would you have done it? Should I have done it? (I told her they would have to contact me.)



  • 10 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Never had that happen before. I would side with you and have them contact me.
  • I would send HER a letter verifying her dates of employment and her job title. I would NOT provide any additional information and I would forward it to ONLY her, not an employer.
  • I would only verify to the person/company requesting information, and then only if a signed release from the former EE was included.

    Even then, I only answer start and end dates, title, and will verify final pay if it is included. I answer no other questions.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 02-28-07 AT 01:31PM (CST)[/font][br][br]NO other questions? Does your state not recognize a cause of action for negligent referral or negligent misrepresentation in employment references?

    Oh wait, we've already had this conversation. ;-)
  • Update:

    The new employer called me. They are really after work experience. Apparently the employee may get more money if she can prove she has more work experience.

    I explained we only confirm dates of employment, job titles and wages. She wanted me to send a letter with information about the employee's work duties here on our letterhead. I explained our point of view again. I finally agreed that if she sent me a form I would complete it and return it. However, I don't know what good that will do when all we do is confirm the 3 items mentioned above.

    This employee has been gone 6-1/2 years. I wonder how many more years I will be confirming employment on her?

  • Maybe your ex-employee is related to the one I worked with recently. She called to ask if we could send a copy of her W-2 to her home address. Because I'm Mr. Nice Guy I got right on it and sent it that afternoon. I called yesterday to verify that she received it... She was very thankful, and then admitted that the real reason she wanted the copy sent to her home was that it is a "hassle" for her to find parking at the post office where her PO Box is!
  • I must say that is the first time I heard that excuse.
  • Guess she must never go to the Post Office to pick up the rest of her mail?
    I think most every HR Dept. has had one or more ex-ee's that just won't go away for what ever reason...
  • That is really odd. At least the update you've given us makes some kind of sense. It doesn't quite explain why she's asked for so many verifications over the past six years. I would think if all those times represent internal promotion opportunities, HR would have kept the verification in her file for future reference. Or were those other employees?

    Well, no matter, you're done for the time being anyway. Maybe you should print some extras out just in case! (if the emoticon link were working I'd put a smiley face here)
  • One thing I have done when something similar happened, after the employee has signed a statement, etc., I make the statement, I can confirm that or I cannot confirm that. This allows me to be covered on some sticky issues and I do not go into detail.
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