Overly Sensitive Employee

I've got a real big issue with an employee who is extremely overly sensitive to any perceived slight to her. Unfortunately,she works for me. She does a good job and gets along well with others except when she gets her feelings hurt.

She had an altercation with our CFO who is an extremely difficult personality. This person is under a lot of pressure and does not handle people issues well.

My assistant came in my office crying the other day because the CFO flung some papers in her direction and acted like she was an irritant to her. This was not appropriate for the CFO to act this way, but seemed to be an over-reaction to what had happened.

I spoke with the CFO today who did acknowledge that she was abrupt and should not have handled the situation this way. She suggested that my assistant leave items in her box outside her door in a red folder that needed immediate attention and she could take care of it right away.

My assistant then took offense at this as well saying she would just stay away from everyone and use folders to communicate if she was bothering everyone.

I ran into this with her a couple of years ago when she and two others in the office were at odds with each other. It got to the point that she would leave and go home in tears or call in sick. I finally told her to make up her mind if she could continue to work because I needed someone who was at work.

The other two were troublemakers and were double teaming my assistant. They finally left as most people of this type do when they are at the point of being found out. Things have been going along fine until recently.

I will admit the CFO has had issues with others in the practice and is known for her abruptness and keeping people on edge all the time. It's not just my assistant that has had run ins with her, but others just "blow it off" and don't interact with the CFO any more than necessary or know when to stay away from her.

Have any of you ever worked with an individual who is ultra sensitive and what advice do you have?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • If you have an EAP I would refer the sensitive EE. The EAP can assist the EE in developing coping skills that would allow her to take a step back and not take things so personally. Sounds like the CFO could use the EAP too!
  • We had this exact situation going on - for us, it was beneficial to sit down with both parties separately, talk about the behaviors, and let the sensitive EE know that the CFO's behavior wasn't a personal attack, it was just their normal demeanor, and if they cannot cope with that behavior, we'd refer them to the EAP. With the CFO, we sat her down and let her know that her actions are affecting others, regardless of her intention. After speaking with both parties separately, we met with them together - I wouldn't recommend this, however, unless one party feels really strongly that they need to address their issues with the other person face to face.

    Good luck!
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