Severance packages

We are facing some layoffs in our facility and I know there is some type of rule of thumb on how much severance is usually given per year of service.

We have two tiers of employees - staff employees and senior management. Do you treat these categories differently in your facility?

Any advice would be appreciated.


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I don't have much experience with severance packages and have only used them for senior management and not in a layoff situation. What I did was pay out one week of salary for each year of service. That was decided after doing some local research. Hope that helps.
  • We pay out one week of salary for each year of employment plus 6 months paid COBRA as a severance package.
  • Same as drehil, 1 week per every year of service and only to senior management. Since last August we have laid off roughly 150 ee's, the highest level being a mfg. supervisor and a couple engineers. None of them received severance.
  • I think any rule of thumb depends on the industry and the severity of your company's financial situation. I hope you are using an employment attorney to make sure you get the language in the severance agreement right and don't overlook any regs that govern terms and layoffs. S/he should be able to offer some guidelines.

    We accomplished layoffs a few years ago (we're little over a hundred EEs) and offered severance for the first time ever. We created a policy of two weeks per year of service up to a max of six months of severance for all regardless of position. In retrospect that worked well for most (considering) but was devastating to the 25+ year EE. We wound up negotiating a little more for that person and I think that was the right thing to do.

    If we could have offered medical coverage to all during the severance period I would have liked to have done that.

    Good luck, Rockie, I've been through this a few times and it never is easy.
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