Drug Testing - Hair Follicle

I am in line for a promotion at my company but they are requiring that I first take a drug test that tests hair follicles.

I work for a CT employer. Is there any law in CT regarding this? The only statutes I could find seem to deal with urinalysis drug testing not testing hair for the presence of drugs.

Can they require me to take the test to get the promotion?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Sorry, but I couldn't find any helpful information. It's odd that the statute would only address urinalysis and not other methods - probably because the law was passed in the late 1980s and other methods weren't firmly established. (I remember because that's when I was in law school and wrote a research article on drug testing for our Law Review.)

    I assume you're private-sector, nonunion, and not in a safety-sensitive position.

    You might want to call the state DOL and ask if hair tests are permitted. My gut feeling is yes, because I'd think that the drug lab would consult a lawyer before doing business in a state.

    Good luck.

    James Sokolowski
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