turnover analysis

we are using the formula: # terminations per month/average number of ee's per month x 100 to determine our monthly turnover. What is the best way to determine yearly turnover from those results? We have 13 companies- how do we determine turnover rates across all companies? Finding the sum of all companies together seems way to high- am I really looking for the average across companies?
# of employees exiting the job
avg. actual # of employees during the period
x 12
÷ # mos. in period
I have a spreadsheet that I will be glad to send by e-mail, you may use my e-mail to send me your e-mail address. I also use this report for a comparsion of W/C opportuniies over the entire year by month.
Yes- I would appreciate you emailing your spreadsheet to me. my email is [email]hr@mnw-inc.com[/email]
At the risk of sounding stupid, I do not understand how the turnover formulas above tell me how to determine turnover across companies. I have determined the turnover per month and per year for each of our 13 locations separately, but I want to determine a total turnover of our companies combined.
Is company wide yearly total turnover simply the average of total turnover of all companies?
Would you mind forwarding your spread sheet to me also? We always have total confusion in trying to do the same thing at the beginning of each year. The HR Director, my boss, did this before I came on and I hate to say it, but her #'s just don't add up. Can't tell the boss she doesn't know how to figure it, but it's the truth!
Shandy: Your e-mail icon is enabled; you need to send me a seperate e-mail with your address, so that I can tag the spreadsheet back to you.
Thanks so much.
Oops...forgot email - [email]rchamplain@impea.com[/email]
Thanks so much.
Richard and sometimes known as PORK!
Cindy T.
This is an old email, but if you still have this spreadsheet, I'd appreciate a copy of it.Send to [email]scallender@scheart.com[/email]
OOPS email address [email]llerche@duperon.com[/email] - please
Could you please send me your spreadsheet, too?
Many thanks from a wet, soggy Texan....k x:D