Background Checks

Please refresh my memory. WHEN are background checks to be done - after an offer of employment but before employment begins? Does it have to be for every employee hired if you do it for one (excepting drivers or heavy machine operators)?
Can you ever do it AFTER the ee has begun employment?? Many thanks!


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • After offer of employment and before employment begins. However, you can let an employee begin employment with the proviso that continuation of employment is pending the outcome of a background check. Make sure you get consent if you run credit.
  • My question relates to complying w/FACTA. Our company scans 100% of its personnel documents into an imaging software. Taking into consideration the privacy & confidentiality of certain documents and properly disposing of private information, should we review all personnel files and erase the images that are background checks (criminal reports)? If so, what is the time frame we're permitted to keep these documents on file before having to erase them?
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