alocohol suspicion

EE comes to work and can't park straight in her parking spot, moving slow, keeps going to her locker for a drink from her personal mug, smells like alcohol and cigs.
Can I go to her locker and see what she is drinkin? Can I ask her if she has/is drinking?

If she is drinking or is under the influence I want to term her on the spot. Zero tolerance sets a good example. This is the first time I have had to deal with this.

What should I do?



  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Do you have a written policy regarding substance abuse, reporting to work under the influence, possession of intoxicants in the workplace, etc.?
  • Yes, we do have a policy on those things. However, we do no drug/alcohol testing as of now. I am researching that as we speak.
  • Hi T

    I'm assuming that you have a zero tolerance policy for alcohol and drug use while at work & test for reasonable suspicion - written in your handbook. If you do, have the supervisor drive the employee to the nearest clinic and get her drug & alcohol tested. Don't mess around with her locker (although you can as I'm sure your policies state that the company owns company property, etc.). I wouldn't mess with the locker right now, get the test. It's harder for an employee to argue against the results of a test vs. the items that are found in their locker (someone else put it there, etc.).
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