Fire Drills

As with most companies, we try to have a fire drill once per year and occasionally there is a problem with the alarm system that ends up clearing out the building. But, most people realize that they are merely drills, some hang out for awhile or mosey on out leisurely. Last time the VP never left his office.

We were thinking of doing something to add a little excitement or realism.... a sense of doubt as to whether it is truly a drill or a real emergency. You can purchase smoke candles that provide a toxic-free smoke and they come in different sizes depending on how much you want or the size of the facility.

Has anybody else used anything like this? My concern is that someone will panic and injure themselves and we'd be open to a lawsuit. At minimum, we'd have a WC case.


  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • hmmm, I don't think I would do that for the very reason you just gave. You have to get support from the top down to get everyone out. A few years ago, the president of our company walked out and then stared at everyone who lazily made their way out of the bldg. Ever since then, they exit a lot quicker!
  • We do a mock robbery at each bank location every year. We must do this either before we open or after we close. Can't have this happening while we are open for the public. Our ee's know that it will be happening so no one panics but they do not know who the robber will be. We are fortunate to have the Police Dept. accross the street from us and often a cop is in plain clothes and he/she will be the bad guy. It never fails that we learn alot about the proper porcedures during an actual robbery.
  • We do a fire drill once every quarter. Our employees do not know when it is scheduled. We do not have an official sounding fire alarm but when our Admin. Asst plays "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor at full volume, everyone is to leave the building. Everyone usually evacuates pretty quickly.
  • Not only could someone be hurt and sue you or go for w/c, but someone could be 'traumatized' and sue you for that. Another problem I see would be later on down the road. What if you truly have a fire and people smell smoke immediately, but just think you are doing another drill and don't call it in.

    One thing a VP should know is that they help set the tone and standard of office behavior. This VP's poor performance in this area should come up on their appraisal. Of course, in a perfect world...

    Good luck!

  • Since you asked, someone in your company needs to get the kuhunas to straighten out your VP. If he does this for the fire drill, I'm sure there are more of the same issues with other stuff.
  • Engineering is responsible for fire drills. The Eng. Director would never correct the VP so I guess that's up to me. Besides, I have only a dotted line report to him - he can't fire me.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 09-14-06 AT 09:09AM (CST)[/font][br][br]Bingo. You can give him the line, "How can we expect the rank and file to take it seriously if our LEADER doesn't."

    Edit: Be careful, don't think that he can't get someone else to fire you.
  • Not worried, that someone else would be my boss at corporate. He'd give me an attaboy for doing it.

    Anyway, no one seems that excited about the realistic effects of smoke confirming my suspicions. I do like Dutch's fake bank robbery, though.
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