Job Sharing

What are peoples thoughts on job sharing? I have PT position we want to convert to FT. The current employee does not want FT, so she asked if we could make the position a job share. This would be new for our organization.

Looking for any advice, good or bad experiences, benefits or negatives.

Thanks, dumfybg.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • At one of my previous positions, I had 2 new mom's who wanted to work part time. I had one work Monday - Wed. and the other Wed-Friday. They had specific things they did and were able to handle this quite well. They worked together on Wed. to cover things that needed to be done by both.

    I think a lot of it depends on the position and most of all on the 2 people sharing the job. This worked well because the 2 people worked so well between them. Also, the employees were patient and new that one of them wasn't there on Thurs and Friday and the other wasn't there on Monday and Tues and they were able to wait until they returned or go the other employee to help them.
    I think it is GREAT and highly endorse it. (This is one reason we, in HR did it. We wanted to show other areas that it can work and give it a try. One area did and converted one of their jobs to this as well.

    E Wart
  • We have had job sharing here for almost 10 years. We have one employee come in and work all week and then the 2nd employee comes in and works the second week. This has caused some confusion in the benefit area, but basically has gone over well. The key to success is extremely good communication between the 2 employees.

    Good luck!

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