Why did I file it this way?

I keep a copy of the Qualifying Event COBRA letter in a separate folder for each individual who leaves employment. If the employee elects COBRA, that copy, payment receipts and all future correspondance (increase notices, etc) stays in that same file. For anyone who does NOT elect COBRA I have a file with only the COBRA notice in it.

If the employee does NOT elect COBRA can I just put the COBRA letter with the rest of their insurance paperwork (enrollment form from date of hire, open enrollment changes, additions, deletions over the years of employment) and not keep a separate file?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • You can keep all of your insurance-related information in the same file. You do not want to keep insurance information in the file with other employment information such as payroll records, application for employment, warning notices, etc.

    It is a good idea to keep the insurance-related files in a separate locked file cabinet with limited access to this information.
  • This is a personal filing decision. I keep all the COBRA information in one file. Thus, if audited, I can prove the person got the notice offering COBRA and what happened subsequently. If they elect COBRA, due to billing and possible claims, there will be a paper trail anyway. It is more likely you would be asked about somebody not electing COBRA, but file as you wish as long as you can find everything if asked.
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