Out of town workers

Have crews who work out of town all motel rooms are in our company name. I am wondering what our exposure is if something occured in the room while they were not working i.e. someone does something illegal in the room. Should we have a policy on conduct while in the room and if so does anyone have an example of a policy?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • CARL NC: Welcome to the forum. Your post is getting a lot of readings but I am the first to post on your tread. It, obviously, a good question, but few of us have ever experienced this situation. We do have a conduct unbecoming an employee of this company as a discipline issue. We do not have motel rooms booked in our name, therefore, we are able to forgo your situation. You probably should address this issue with your business law retained attorney. It would appear to me that yes, there might be some risk, how much I have no idea. I suggest that you should as a matter of a smart business decision have the employee register in their name and be held responsible for whatever activities they might decide to accomplish in their name ad not the company name. In another company the employees got on the phone and charged all sorts of telephone experience and the motel wanted us to pay for the calls. We opted to not accept responsibility for the calls, and on payday we paid the individual in cash with the motel management right there to collect. We also put into their rooms, from that time on the "no calls from their room", their rooms were shut off at our suggestion, and we never had anymore issues with this criminal act.

    I hope this would help, if you need a copy of our policy please send me an e-mail. Just click on the icons at the top left of this tread and it will provide you with my e-mail address.

    Again welcome, great question.

    Richard also know as PORK on this forum
  • We also have a code of conduct to which we are expected to adhere when we are out of town. Violation results in disciplinary action.

    As far as the question itself is concerned, many of our hotels have work crews who stay with us when they are on a job. If there is any disruptive behavior or illegal activity, our first phone call is to the company. If there is any damage, we hold the company responsible and bill them for damages. We have also told a company that their employee is no longer welcome and they should arrange for accommodations elsewhere.
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