ee advancement

We want to provide levels of advancement to our hourly secretarial ee's. Do any of you do this and how?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Are you talking about Secretary I, Secretary II, Secretary III, etc. and they all have different pay ranges that may overlap, with increasing responsibilities or skills or experience needed to be a higher level?

    Or are you talking about a "years of service" credit and a formal raise or promotion schedule? Meaning, "After two years as a Sec. I, you have acquired enough skill and experience to take on the responsibilities of a Sec. II, so we're giving you a promotion and a raise."

    Or is it more moving them from an entry level secretarial position into more advanced positions like clerical or administrative support?
  • Actually, i think we could consider all three of your suggestions if you care to share more!
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