GA Wage Study

My ATL office is currently conducting a Wage Study for hourly employees in a manufacturing and call center environment/company.

We are looking for METRO Atlanta area companies who are in manufacturing or call center industries to participate and receive the results of the study.

If you have an Atlanta based business and can help me with this study, I would be most grateful and appreciative.

Basically what it involves is recieving the questionnaire and completeing the # of employees you have in similar type jobs and what the pay range is for those positions. It is for hourly positions only so it shouldn't take someone more than 10 or 15 minutes to complete.

If you would like to participate (and receive results) please PM me! I could really use your help on this one guys so even if you have an Atlanta office that is Mfg or Call center, you could participate too!

OR - if you have ideas of people I should also contact other than area businesses, I'd be willing to take those suggestions too!

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