Refusal to Wear Safety Vest Made in Vietnam

Has anyone came across a situation where an employee has refused to wear a uniform, safety attire or other company clothing due to where it was made? We purchased approximately 70 safety vests (The Safety Director did) and distributed to all union employees. An employee stated he will not wear his due to he is a Vietnam veteran and it was made in Vietnam. Any input is appreciated. Thanks!


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • He has a political point of view, but it is not protected in this case (unless he tries to somehow convince you it is part of his religion). He is guilty of refusing to follow procedures. Handle as you would any other employee who failed to follow procedures.

    More importantly, he is guilty of failure to follow safety procedures. This often ends in termination. Handle as you would any other employee who failed to follow safety procedures.

    My hubby is a Vietnam Vet. He has long recognized that the war is over and that the people living there are just trying to make a living like every one else. He still has strong negative feelings for Vietnam, but he doesn't let it influence his decision to try to always do the right thing.

    Good luck!

  • Thanks for these inputs; I really appreciate it!!
  • If he feels that strongly about the issue, why not tell him to go and buy an equivalent product made somewhere else and wear it. If he is willing to do this at his own expense, then his issue is probably genuine. If he refuses, then label him as a trouble maker and treat him accordingly.
  • How would he feel about working with a Vietnamese american co-worker?
  • Ditto to what WT says. I'd give him full instructions, in writing, including consequences if he doesn't appear at work on Friday (or whenever you want to set the deadline) and present a safety jacket for management approval. If he buys one of his own, fine. If he decides to take the company's, good. If he doesn't produce any safety jacket or one that doesn't meet with approval, discipline him.

    If you have a clothing allowance for PPE, like for work boots, you may want to make the allowance for this piece of "equipment" also.
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