Immigration Part Two

President Bush has outlined his plan for immigration reform which includes:

1. Securing the borders
2. A temporary worker program to make it easier to come to the US and work
3. Holding employers accountable for hiring illegal workers - creating a tamper proof identification card
4. Dealing with the millions of illegal immigrants inside the United States - not amnesty but not deportation either. Making a distinction between those who have recently come over and those who have been here for a long time, instituting a penalty for breaking the law
5. Honoring our tradition of the melting pot.

You can read the details of the plan here: [url][/url]

So,what do you think? Is this a plan that will satisfy everyone or no one?


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • If the multiple choice is "everyone or no one" I would have to say no one. There is no way to satisay everyone if you giving away $100 bills.
  • One of the news talking heads said yesterday that over 70 percent of people surveyed support an worker program with a path to citizenship.

  • With so many points of view I feel we will never have a plan that will completely satisfy everyone. I say, go for it. Once we have it in place we can see what is working and what isn't and go from there. Let's just get this one started so we have some place to improve from.

    Unfortunately, this program still needs a lot of details to be worked out. It will have to be worked out by Congress. I am not holding my breath.

  • PAUL: I have been looking for and working with our Federal and State governments to get the verification program onto a mandatory program for all employers of any size. The Basic Pilot Program which is already on board and this company for one, has reaped the benefit of verification 100% of new hires, with the result of: 100% verified
    - with legal documentation, either accepted or not-accepted due to the data contained there on is not matching to the data bank of SSA or USCIS.
    - with 100% of the foreign Nationals turned away from full-time permanent employment.
    - foreign nationals do not even come to our door for application, they know that we verify the data contained on the I-9 Form, so they do not waste their nor our times.

    This company has over two years of experience with the SSA and the USCIS on-line systems for verification of data. We have been 100% faithful in the application of the programs on 100% of new hires.

    Where the programs fall short of 100% og all employees new and old needs to be done in order to verify those that got through the systems and are positively identified illegal today, however, the documentation appears to be legal. I hope this bill will require a 100% verification of all employees and guidance on what to do with the individual if a mis-matched data.

    I hope every one reading the news will take the opportunity to go-on-line for the verification of new/old employees that are now wanting to work and those that are working as an employee, but with apparantly correct/good documents.

  • Pork - very timely statements.

    Just this week the senate has begun the process of cracking down on employers who hire illegals including levying fines to employers who do not use the new computerized system to screen for illegal workers. Fines would range from $200-600.

    Once the new screening system is in place, a fine for hiring an illegal immigrant would double to $20,000 with prison terms for repeat offenders (I cant say that term with a straight face after watching "Raising Arizona" so many times).

    The senate bill will require employers to check SS # and immigration status of all new hires within 18 months after Homeland Security expands the electronic system to screen workers.

    Once new hire info is submitted to the electronic system, Homeland Security would confirm the worker is legal or tell employers that the worker can't be confirmed as a legal worker within ten days.

    Apparently there are some ways that workers can contest the system if a mistake is made and there is also protection for employers if the system makes a mistake.

    This is different from the bill passed by the house in December that would have imposed fines ranging from $5,000 - 40,000 and would have required employers to screen ALL current employees (an estimated 140 million) instead of just new hires.

    So do you think this new system will be the pilot program you have been part of or do you think something new is in the works?
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