Application for Permanent Employment

I have an employee from Romania. He has an Employment Authorization Card that expires 7/12/06. He came to us about sponsorship and we declined. Turns out his manager told him we would help him, but he would have to retain his own attorney and pay the fees, yada, yada.
He completed form ETA 9089, Application for Permanent Employment, and it was approved/certified. He now has to attach it to the I-140 petition and file with the Immigration Office. He just brought all this to me last week. Corporate office is furious. Based on the fact he did this on good faith we would proceed, we now are.
Is this sponsorship? BTW, manager left company back in January. I'd wring his neck if I could.
They did follow procedures outlined in application regarding job posting, wages, etc.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Sounds as if you need to find out what your responsibilities would be. I would just ask for his attornies name and pick up the phone and call the attorney to find out 1) what you have to do (how much time it will take) 2) how much it will cost you ($) and 3) is this a "sponsorship" and what would happen if you had to let him go (lay off or poor performance for example.)?
    Do this before you go further.
    E Wart
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