Is sexual harassment passe?

Our manual for hourly restauratn employees has a harasment/sexual harassment policy and a separate discrimination policy with the idea that each is so serious it demands special attention. Isn't sexual harassment considered to fall under discrimination now a days? Can I combine them?


  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I don't know of any law that would force you to keep them separate. On the other hand, there are more and more laws that require sexual harrassment training, but not as many about training for discrimination. We keep them separate.

    Good luck!

  • Our policy is combined. It talks about all forms of harassment based upon any protected class status. The elements of hostile environment sexual harassment are essentially the same as the elements that would constitute harassment based upon race, gender, national origin, etc. with the exception of 'quid pro quo' harassment, so that is discussed separately.
  • I think there is value in seperating the policy if sexual harassment has been an issue in your workplace in the past.

    My guess is that a restaurant with attractive staff might want to spell out expectations and possibly include customer harassment.

    I was sitting with my wife in Applebee's on Sunday celebrating our anniversary watching a customer harass the female bartender. She handled herself very well.
  • Actually,needahero, sexual harassment is a form of gender discrimination, but I like your idea of keeping them seperate. That way you can emphasize both and by giving it special attention, sends a message that you take these subjects very seriously. Good job. Leave it be.
  • We also print them separately and plan to keep it that way. I would think that if you've had them separate and then combine them it could send a message to existing employees that you're putting less emphasis on one or the other (IMHO).
  • I beleive separting the two is good practice because there are differences that need to be specifiaclly addressed - specifically the item PaulinCB pointed out, where customers vendors, contractors and other non-employees can partake in sexual harasment. Before you all point out that those same individuals can be guilty of "discrimination" as well, there are enough differences that warrant treating sexual harrasment separately, but still part of your overall anti-discrimination/harassment policy.
  • Great feedback, much apreciated.
  • Ours is combined. Our policy is titled, Harassment and Discrimination, and is comprehensive covering sexual, age, race, etc.
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