New Employment App - How to implement?

We have a new employment application that has been approved by our employment lawyer and top management and seems ready to use. I'll make new papercopies for the front desk and put a new .pdf on the website. I'll also email a notice to all employees in case someone has copies squirreled away in their files. We will continue to use the completed old applications that are already on file until they expire (which is one year from the date of hire).

That seems too easy. Is there something I'm forgetting to do?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We just rolled out a new app in January. I could have written your post, because I did the same things you did. As for the old apps, if we would consider someone in that file for employment, I would have them complete a new app because we added some contractual language to the statement they sign.

    Anne in Ohio
  • Count your blessings. Every now and then, something comes up in HR that is easy.

    We have changed our app twice in 4 yrs, and simply began to use the new one when the last old one was used up. As other old ones surfaced that were squirreled away, I asked the applicant to complete the newer app, and I took advantage of the opportunity to ask the 'squirrels' to discard their blank apps. As it turns out, some mgmt staff had become accustomed to keeping blank apps on hand, issuing them to target applicants who made direct contact outside of HR, and practicing their own 'very individual' retention guidelines. The completed apps were not getting to HR, and other attached authorizations for background screening, which just happened to request gender, race, color, and age, were being collected/retained with the apps.

    It was an opportunity for me when I was hired, and changing the application proved to be an extremely easy method to correct the issue.
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