WC for Volunteers?

Recently we had two volunteers take a fall in the parking lot (this is a privately held lot, not our lot)on their way home from their volunteer hours. They both sought treatment by a physician and neither one asked for reimbursement. I am wondering however if this SHOULD have been reported to our w.c. carrier and if so are we liable?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Check your policy and confirm whether you have a rider to include volunteers and your state w/c regs.

    We have quite a few volunteers and, while we don't exactly advertise the fact, we have limited coverage available in case volunteers are injured onsite.

    Your state's regs may help you out on the parking lot question. Parking in a lot not owned by the employer does not typically invoke responsibility by the employer unless being in the parking lot is part of the employee's job duties or a hazard is known to be present by the employer that would jeopardize the employee's safety/well being.

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