Take this job and shove it, monsieur!

French police donned riot gear and fired tear gas into angry crowds of students at the Sorbonne University on Saturday.

The French students were protesting a new employment plan that has caused Prime Minister Villepin's popularity to tumble.

Apparently this employment plan or contract would allow employers to hire people under age 26 for a two year trial period before offering them a permanent position.

While the Prime minister and other supporters of the plan say it was designed to encourage companies to hire younger workers, critics say it will just make it easier to fire younger workers which will just increase feelings of insecurity.

I wonder what "permanent" employment means in France? It looks like this plan creates a two year "at will" window allowing ee's to be terminated without cause.

Apparently this plan is part of an "emergency employment strategy" aimed at reducing France's climbing unemployment rate. Apparently 42 percent of French youth leaving secondary school without "special skills" are unemployed.


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