Public Sector - Volunteer background checks

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 02-15-06 AT 05:01PM (CST)[/font][br][br]We have recently implemented background checks for our volunteers. There has been much push-back from the long-term volunteers who do not want to give out their SSN or have it on file with a criminal background check.

I have two questions. 1) Much of the resistance stems from the standard form used to inform employees of the FCRA rights. Is there a way to adjust a form to state that we will only perform a criminal background check? 2) Does anyone have a sample form used for volunteers?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I'm at a Texas state agency. We do criminal record checks through TxDPS on all potential hires and volunteers -- our enabling statute requires it. We don't use the FCRA form, and TxDPS does not run criminal checks using SSN's, just names and birthdays (fingerprints are optional if you want a more certain ID). We don't ask their permission, just tell them the check is required to volunteer here and if they don't want to give us their birthdate so we can run it for free, they're welcome to go down to DPS, be fingerprinted, and pay 15 bucks for it. As you may know, you can access DPS conviction records without any special authorization. I get both arrests and convictions due to legislative authority. If you need more info. on this, feel free to e-mail or private message me.

    Welcome to the Forum!
  • Nothing to add to Whirlwind's great advice (as usual) other than to say "welcome to the forum"!

    Or should it be howdy?

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