More than one personnel file?

I currently have all personnel files locked up in our HR office at the main facility. However, we have other "sites" with anywhere from 7 - 25 people and have just found out that they are also keeping a "personnel file" there at the site. Thoughts on this? I know I don't like it, but wondering the "legality of it" and my reasoning why not!


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 02-08-06 AT 02:16PM (CST)[/font][br][br]HR 101 basics. Don't allow since you cannot control it. These "satellite" files are discoverable in litigation.
  • As Gene has said, there are no "secret" files. He is right that you can't control it but I wouldn't forbid the practice as long as your managers are trained in what to include and understand how this information could be used.

    A couple of our managers keep regular files on their ee's for use in the yearly evaluation, tracking attendance, etc.

    It works here but there could be scenarios where Gene's advice would be better to follow.
  • Yes, they're discoverable and no, you can't control them. But they are not illegal and they might still serve a good purpose. Our managers maintain secondary personnel files in their own offices. They usually contain "convenience copies" of items filed in HR (e.g., performance appraisals) and informal correspondence like hand-written notes about scheduling, time off, etc. I don't want nor do I have space for all of this stuff. I would say that the call should ultimately be made on the basis of what is being kept there, for what purpose, and how inconvenient it is for the site supervisors not having the material close at hand. Security/confidentiality of the files might also be an issue in some settings, though not so much for me because virtually all of our personnel information except for medical is considered open government records.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 02-08-06 AT 04:20PM (CST)[/font][br][br]KYMM: HR 101 does not list the WORKING FILES of supervisors/managers as company personnel files. They are just that working files and are not the official PERSONNEL FILES that we HRs grasp to professionally to protect the ee and the er. However, the 2nd page of HR 101 tells you that these files are discoverable and useful for the other party. Therefore, sense all of us agree that you can not control them, but you sure can give the managers / supervisors some good training on what if anything the company is going to allow these supervisors to have in these "working files". In your training, you will point out that they are specifically responsible and accountable for personal information contained in these working files. Most will choose not to have a "working file" and will leave it up to HR to keep all official records and keep their personal commits to their own reference notebooks. All of our managers/supervisors have done away with their working files for fear of violation of privacy and confidental information. We have 15 remote locations and I audit them at least once a year for safety and safe keeping of personal information.

    Good luck! May you have a Blessed day tomorrow, and we will all shout YES for crossing over hump day and be on the down hill slide toward the week-end and the SUPER BOWL OF PRO=SPORTS, the PRO-BOWL.

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