Municipal Gov't Mgr Creates Hostile Work Environment
33 Posts
We have a situation here with a dept. head being appointed interim city manager. The interim cm has approached a staff member and informed her that the council does not know what her job entails and that her job position could be in jeopardy of being eliminated. The employee is very upset. The interim has also informed this ee that another employee is in a position to have his job eliminated if he cannot justify his position. This has been brought to my attention this morning by two ee's other than the ee who had the conversation with the interim cm. What steps can I take to help the ee and interim cm? I look forward to your advice. I have admired the content of this forum for afar.
It doesn't sound as if it was handled real well. But IMHO, if they could actually justify their position they shouldn't be concerned about it.
As for justifying a job, start with the job description and go from there. What duties is the ee responsible for and why are they essential? We should all be able to justify our existence.