

  • Here's a link from this morning's headlines:


    Essentially a high school student started a "group" on for other students to join. The name of the group was "I Hate ___" and included an expletive and anti-semitic remark.

    Anyone on myspace can start a group and use your company name. For example, our organization has a group that an ex-staffer started. Fortunately, its a nice group that people use to stay in touch with each other.

    I have found employer groups that were not so nice including "Former Slaves of _____ organization" and other groups critical of their employers policies and/or management.

    Again, myspace is primarily a website used by 14-24 year olds. The average age is 20. If you employ a large number of this demographic there is a small chance that someone may have started a group using your company name and possibly logo.

    Finding the group can be tricky. You can run a search with your company name or initials but that may not always work.
  • Paul,

    Thanks for moving this thread back to the top. It reminded me that I ought to let you know that an interesting article on this subject is running in the March issue of Delaware Employment Law Letter ("Navigating blogs in the workplace," p. 1). You have access to that article in the newsletter archives. It mentions a recent interesting case in which an employer fired an employee for posting info on his MySpace blog that the employer believed was racially biased and insensitive. He isn't the only employee who has become an ex-employee because of MySpace comments.

    Your post also leaves a crack in the door for me to plug an audio conference on this very same subject, conducted by the very same employment law attorneys who wrote the newsletter article. The March 29 audio conference is titled, "Employers, Beware: MySpace Blogs Are Encroaching on YourSpace@Work." For more info, go to [url][/url]


    p.s. Speaking of updating threads, when can we expect today's Exile Island report? I can't wait to read your recap of the tribal council in which more than half the members of the Crazy Tribe received a vote.

  • Tony - I didn't get to watch the show until late last night. I probably will post something tonight. The issue of Bob and Bruce drinking wine in the outhouse needs to be adressed.
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