limits on daily hours worked

can anyone tell me if Florida has any limits on the maximum number of hours worked for adults?
for instance can an employee work several 24 hour days per week, I know its a bad idea but is it legal?


  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Not to my knowledge, but try to be sure.
  • FLSA doesn't limit hours worked, but sometimes states will. Here in the Land of 10,000 Legislative Committees To Look Into Things, there are restrictions on kids under the age of 18, locomotive engineers, fire tenders (can't forget these fine folks), and truck drivers.
  • I reviewed the summary of the FL regs and there is nothing in there regarding hours worked as long as they are over 17. The federal FLSA does not have a rule on it. So as far as I can tell it's legal. This is not legal advice and it's not smart to do. What if they have a wreck driving home? A lawyer would eat that one up. Terrible idea.
  • I agree this is avery bad idea and should something bad happened, the attorney for the injured party will have a great time showing the company as "at fault" and not caring about the lowly employee. The fact that this person volunteers for the extra working time and the o/t associated your company should relook at the number of employees with equal capabilities as this very dedicated employee. Not only the attorney but you maight also discover an un-welcome OSHA party on your property to investigate the how and why of this accident. Once revealed the General Duty clause will eat the companies' lunch. It is common knowledge that fatigue begins to set in after about 8 hours of work, we shut down our tractor/trailer rigs at the 10th hour. We must assume that this person is a very KEY person and no other person is available to let him be off for some rest! If that is truly correct then you may be able to defend this employee's hours of work.

  • A few states have maximum hours but apparently FL does not (MS does not). There can be liability issues as noted by others and OSHA issues (violating the general duty clause of unsfe working conditions due to fatigue, etc).
    Peyton Irby
    Editor, Mississippi Employment Law Letter
    Watkins Ludlam Winter & Stennis, P.A.
    (601) 949-4810
  • Back when I was in law school I heard about a law firm where a lawyer worked 25 hours in a day (crossing a time zone in a plane). (:| The firm put out a press release about it, then was suprised when it got criticized for it.

    James Sokolowski
  • Yeah, but James, everyone knows lawyers routinely bill 25 hours a day or more, anyway.
  • Thanks to you all. I appreciate the assistance
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