Practical Sexual Harassment Training

I need to conduct annual training for a small group of supervisors on this subject. I don't really want to use one of those training videos. I'd rather obtain a basic, practical training outline and have an open discussion with this group. Anyone with specific sources for this material, please let me know. Thanks.


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • x:o You don't want one of our videos!?! Don't you know there are people in China who'd love to have our training videos? I'm crushed! x:'(

    James Sokolowski
  • It has nothing to do with the quality of the video, just the presentation method for this particular audience. Does your video have a script?
  • ED C: The Hrhero 12 Danger Zones for Supervisors has just hit the streets and I am reviewing it for up-grade of my "10 Zones" training program. Unit # 5 in the up-dated version is specificly designed to present the subject in good detail. i use the video and the outline to get the conversation and dialogue started and with a group of 10 supervisors this is one of the hot topics. After getting through with the time devoted to "sexual harassment", I feel relieved that the company and I have presented the topic and given the company slant on the issues and the law.

    I highly recommend the whole set for your center piece for all HR training. You could not find a better video to get the right information out there, which will open the "sups eyes and mind" to the many possibilities for trouble for inappropriate behavior.

    James send my coupon for a discount on the 3rd piece to me you have my e-mail and mailing address.

  • I have no budget for training material other than this subscription. So, I read the Special Reports if available for the topic I want to train employees on. Or, I'll read back issues (search using key words). I'll make a two or three page summary of the highlights / rules / regulations of the topic. Then, on this site, I search the state by topic and select a couple of cases to discuss that illustrate the topic. In the training meeting, I'll tell them the case situation, events that lead up to it, etc. We'll discuss the case, and then I'll tell them how the courts decided and what went right or wrong. Or sometimes I tell them the whole case and we'll discuss it then. This sounds like the format you are looking for and I've had really good feed back from employees they like it and have learned alot. It takes a several hours prep time, but it is custom made for my group. Hope this helps!
  • Thanks, Kathy. Good ideas, if fact, after I posted the first message I discovered the Special Report section.

    Merry Christmas! (a bit early)
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