non-smoking policy

We are moving to a non-smoking campus later this month. It comes as a result of the old staff smoking area being demolished as part of the construction for our expansion to be completed in 2007. We announced the change in policy, informed the union of our intent giving them an opportunity to bargain the issue (which they didn't), offered a temporary location during the interim and are going to be offering a temporary smoking cessation incentive. We are having no difficulties switching to a non-smoking campus - well, okay, there are a few naysayers, but overall the response has been good and we're set to go.
My real concern stems from the proposal that we institute a policy that does not allow for smokers to be hired. We can do this legally, but I'm trying to piece together all the administrative details, including enforcement, that this kind of policy would entail. For example, what if we hire someone who says she doesn't smoke and it turns out she does? What if that same person says she started after hire? What if a supposedly non-smoking new hire is seen smoking off-site on a weekend? What if that same person says it was a one-time social thing? And what about the social implications; it feels a little "big-brotherish" to me. Aaaarrrrggghhh! Anyway, if anyone has a policy like this, or has considered one, I'd sure appreciate your feedback in regards to the challenges you discovered for implementation, staff response, etc. And if you decided against such a policy, why?
My real concern stems from the proposal that we institute a policy that does not allow for smokers to be hired. We can do this legally, but I'm trying to piece together all the administrative details, including enforcement, that this kind of policy would entail. For example, what if we hire someone who says she doesn't smoke and it turns out she does? What if that same person says she started after hire? What if a supposedly non-smoking new hire is seen smoking off-site on a weekend? What if that same person says it was a one-time social thing? And what about the social implications; it feels a little "big-brotherish" to me. Aaaarrrrggghhh! Anyway, if anyone has a policy like this, or has considered one, I'd sure appreciate your feedback in regards to the challenges you discovered for implementation, staff response, etc. And if you decided against such a policy, why?
Anyway, you can't single out smokers and you can't control what they do on their own time. Make your campus no-smoking and move on. This will be a nightmare to keep control over not to mention any legal ramifications that would arise. Believe me, they will. Are you really prepared to fire x employee b/c he/she smokes? They will come back with a lawsuit.
They fired employees who smoked at home.....I am a non smoker, have to say loved the idea.
It will be a pain in the ass no matter how you slice it, but hey, if it is company policy as people are hired........ I would think it is enforcable.......
This company took it to the extreme. Fortunately if you have a sensitive nose you can pick out smokers and eliminate them that way. No way to prove that was the reason.
My $0.02 worth,
The Balloonman