User Agreement

With no luck in my search efforts, I turn to you guys.

I need an employee/user agreement for company property.

Basically stating: I, Bob Smith, agree to use this [Lap Top Computer] within accordance of Company policy.

Should I terminate I will return such item in good condition with all original parts, yada yada yada, blah blah blah.

I understand should I not return it, I will have to pay with life and/or the life of my first born child.... so on and so forth.


Can anyone share with me something similar your company might use when the issue technological equipment to employees.

Much appreciated!


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 10-04-05 AT 12:49PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Jim,

    Here is an internet use agreement that we have employees sign. It should give you a start and you can edit/tweek for your own needs.


    This form is to be completed by all employees during orientation:

    The Company Internet account is for business use only. No personal use of the account will be
    permitted. Transfer of any company confidential, sensitive, or proprietary information, including
    intellectual property, over the Internet by any means is strictly prohibited without express written
    permission from a manager. Internet access is unrestricted, and employees will be on their honor to use only the appropriate resources available. Discovery of the viewing or transmission of inappropriate matter via the Internet by an employee may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Any email sent or received through an Internet address, which is provided to an employee and funded by the Company, will only contain information related to the business. All activity, including but not limited to, usage times and “sent” or “received” email, will be logged and may be monitored.

    I, _________________________________________, have read the Internet Account Agreement. I understand that any violation of these terms
    may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. This section is a legal document with legal significance. If you do not understand it, please consult a lawyer before signing.

    I, _________________________________________, agree that I will in no way, transfer any
    company proprietary or confidential information on the Internet without express written
    permission from a manager. I understand that any violation of these terms may result in
    disciplinary action and can result in legal action and/or termination.

    I understand and agree to the terms herein.

    DATE:____________________ Signed:________________________________________

  • Jim, I believe we have one on the "policies" section of this website. Merely go to search, and click the box for policies and put "company property" in the search box.

    Anne Williams
    Attorney Editor
    M. Lee Smith Publishers, LLC
  • Thanks so much to you both!!

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