Information On HR Department Staffing

I'm in the process of trying to justify adding another HR person to our department. Does anyone know of any research or articles that talk about the standard practices for how many HR people are needed in relation to the number of employees you have?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • SHRM and Bureau of National Affairs have conducted an annual survey for years about this topic. I don't have a copy to confirm what is current but the ratio of HR to total employment has been 1:100 for years with some variation depending upon industry.
  • Ditto. I had an article emailed to me about six months ago but I managed to misplace it. The SHRM website should be a good place to start. 1:100 is a good rule of thumb.
  • I think it's also going to depend on the structure of your organization as well. Does the HR dept handle payroll? I know in some places the accounting department handles it but at others it's in the HR department. We have over 125 employees where I work and I have two employees within our HR area - one that processes payroll, benefits and any tax reporting for our retirement plans and another that is strictly an HR assistant as well as back up for the payroll person.
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