AAP Software

The company I was using to assist with our AAP went south. I was thinking of bringing it in-house (and may be asking for headaches). Can anyone that currently does in-house recommend software that can be purchased reasonably to assist with this monster? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I do ours in house and use Microsoft Access to keep track of my employees. I also use an outside consultant to work up the Availability Factor numbers for me since that isn't something I want to get involved with. She was also very helpful during our recent audit. I've been doing this myself for 15 years and it hasn't been a problem. A big pain but not a problem.
  • Since I'm Access illiterate, I use Microsoft Excel. The Census website has the availability data and I found it rather easy to work with (as easy as the Census site gets, anyway).


    Then click on Access to 2000 EEO Occupation Data in the middle box

    Then the highlighted On-line Access to the EEO Data Tool

    Then I choose Employment by EEO-1 Job Categories AND Residence: data based on where people live

    Then I use Counties in (and select your state)

    Select your county(ies) - hold down control and click to select multiple counties

    And I think from there on out, it's pretty clear. We're just not big enough to justify paying someone else to do it, and once I got it set up, it has not required much except data entry.
  • Thank you. I am also Microsoft Access illiterate.
  • Just a comment about the census data referenced by HR Calico. I used that site for a plan that I worked on a couple of months ago. I think that the site is very good if you have a small company where you can get by using EEO-1 job groups. I don't think that the site would be sufficient for large companies where job groups are defined in a much more job specific way. The site also doesn't really satisfy the factor analysis process since you just get a final availability figure. I'm betting that will be sufficient for a small company but will find out if an audit occurs.
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