Require ee's to have email access?

We are an aviation firm with 100 ee's, most of
whom do not remain on site (pilots, etc.)
We'd like to add a policy to our Handbook
that requires email access be mandatory for
everyone. Is this fundamentally different from requiring a telephone? What say you all?

Thanks, Tracey


  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Interesting concept but
    1. Even in this day and age, not everyone has a home computer or personal e-mail address.
    2. I know that when I am at home, my computer usually is not on. If someone has to reach me,
    they'll probably be successful if they call me on my home phone or cel phone.
  • I say it would be tough. Not everyone has a computer, and not everyone who does have one has it on all of the time. If the company is willing to provide laptops and pay for email accounts, then that would be another matter.
  • It depends on what you want to accomplish with the email. As Whatever said: not everyone has a home computer, and those who do are not necessarily on it every day. So if you want to be able to reach someone in a timely manner, then email is not a practical way to go.

    If you want to distribute occasional employee memos, then I think requiring email access could work. Especially if you provide a computer in the employee lounges at the airports, or something like that. Then require employees to check their email once each week or something like that.
  • I agree with dchr. What are you wanting to accomplish? Would this be your company's method of advising them of flight schedules and pilot assignments, etc? If so, email is probably not the best way to go.

    Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
  • For whatever reason, a couple of months ago, many of our upper level executives were required to be email-accessible. They had already been provided with pagers and cell phones, but evidently that wasn't enough. However, since it was the company's requirement, the company furnished lap tops and Blackberries as appropriate and all had to learn to use them and keep them handy and available.

    Other employees are provided with company paid cell phones if it is deemed necessary. If they have their own personal cell phones and are requested to provide the numbers for company contact, any business charges are reimbursed by the company.
  • Our company is basically using the same method of "staying in touch" as HRLass posts. We have company cell phones, company lap tops and pda's-All provided by the company.
    I am wondering why this company wants their pilots to have e-mail? Maybe that would help in answering the question.


    Disclaimer: None of my posts are intended to discombobulate any persons. Should this happen, I would suggest taking a "mental health day" and getting over it.;;)
  • Do you anticipate some resistance, Tracey? My husband is a private pilot, and he doesn't go more than a few days without checking his e-mail. He bought a share of a plane in a town 25 miles away, and he frequently laments that they are not willing to post and update the check-out schedule on the internet.

    When I was in college (7+ years ago), I had professors require us to check our e-mail at set intervals. But as mentioned by others, we had computers available for our use.

    So, I'd say if you can solve the availability issue, that leaves you with possible resistance issues. I think it would be extremely beneficial if you provided written instructions that very clearly and specifically spelled out step-by-step how to access their e-mail. Perhaps you could even laminate them so they could tuck them into their ever-present flight bags. Pull everybody in and provide training, if you can. Try to have someone on-site wherever you have computers that is willing and able to provide technical assistance, if possible.

    Depending on your details and circumstances, I think it could be worked out. Good luck!
  • Well, Tracy, I've been waiting for you to come back and clarify for us what it is that you are trying to accomplish. However, since you haven't, I will speculate that you are looking for a means to disseminate information by the most efficient means possible. I am assuming that you also want to do this as close to real-time as possible. Perhaps you need to send schedules or flight-related info.

    My suggestion is to skip the email, PDA's and laptops and simply opt for 1-way alphanumeric pagers. They are very inexpensive ($20 or so to purchase plus $15 or so for monthly service), easy to use, and many of them come with voicemail capability as well.

    I hope this helps.

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