Georgia - State Wide Smoking Ban

As of July 1, 2005 GA has passed a statewide smoking ban that calls for all business to not allow smoking within 50 ft. of the building (some exceptions to this rule).

My question regarding those exeptions are 1) Does this include businesses that do not cater to the public, such as office buildings and 2) Do we have to post on our front doors a no smoking sign and 3) Do we have to put up a posting along with other state postings stating this is a non-smoking facility.

Also, if you may know of a link - could you point me in the direction of the law. I'm searching with no success. Thanks!



  • 13 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I don't know about Georgia; but, our state legislature has a toll free number that can be called to inquire about the status or language of any bill. Once passed, a copy of the language, signed by the governor, is available on request. Maybe you have that service at your capitol. (?)

    Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
  • Please tell me this law doesn't apply to the designated smoking areas in Atlanta's airport! I've got a two-hour layover there on Thursday!

  • Just one more thing to make people do anything possible to avoid the Atlanta airport. That's about twelve! If you think a nicotine fit is tough at that place, I found out how hard the floor is on the night of June 6.

    Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
  • In short order, there is no distance defined in the statute. Furthermore, the law specifically excludes "outdoor areas of places of employment".

    You are required to communicate this to all curent and future employees. You do not need a sign.

    Beagle, don't worry, "smoking areas in international airports, as designated by the airport manager" are also excluded.
  • Can we get a law about people like PBeagle yacking on their cell phones 24-7 at airports and in planes? I don't give a rat's A about his smoking addiction.

    Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
  • Mass. ban is based on "employee protection" - second hand smoke is hazardous to health, employers must protect, etc. Therefore, here any place of employment (technically, single employee establishments) are covered. There is still debate on truck drivers, etc.
  • You need to put out a smoking policy to all employees as a result of this law. Explain where smoking is prohibited. Our facility had many senior employees who smoked. Thus foremen or other supervisors smoked with the "permission" of the employees they supervised. We included in our policy that any space where non smokers mingled with smokers was a no smoking area and the non smokers could not and were not allowed to give permission to smokers for smoking in such spaces. This gets important in open air areas like ditch work where one employee cannot get away from another employee. It is also important in vehicles going to and from work sites. If you must provide a smoke free environment for non smokers to work, you cannot let the smokers coerce the non smokers. We have had good compliance since the law came in and the employees seem to be getting used to the new standards.
  • JM, the new law is about the same as the "old" DeKalb County law. From what I understand, it does apply to all buildings, such as office buildings. You don't need to post on the front door (even though you do for DeKalb County), but we did post a copy of our distributed memo on our bulletin board. (By the way, we expended our policy to include tobacco products. Since we are manufacting, we have people that dip... dirty!!)
    You do need to put out a policy. Send me your email/fax and I will send you a copy of ours.(
    E Wart
  • Although we are in manufacturing, you sure don't have to be in order to have employees that dip. People who work in banks, college offices and law firms also dip. x:-) Maybe even people who work for M Lee Smith. Like Christy, maybe? Naaah.

    Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
  • I realize we don't have to have this. However, has gotten a little out of hand with it on the floor mixed in with the product and is just nasty. That is why we have addressed it in with the policy and it is title Tobacco instead of smoking.
    (This is from someone who is where I am today due to the stuff... my father was a tobacco grower and I worked in it as a child. NOONE in my family smokes. I threaten to have a camp for kids and make them work in it and they would never smoke. However, I love the smell of it curing in the barns and at the market.)
    E Wart
  • We have a Tobacco policy. It does include dip, cigars, pipes, cigarettes and other forms of tobacco products.

    I had just heard mixed opinions about having to post signs on the front doors and people couldn't smoke within 50 ft. of the building and blah, blah, blah.

    I wanted to get down to the truth and have a solid answer.


    BTW Ellen - the Atlanta Gang is having a get together next month, if you are interested. JM
  • Thanks so much for the invite. I would love to come sometimes (even though on the other side of the world.) But, I will be out all next week (My Sister and Brother & I are taking my parents on an Alaskan cruise for their 60th wedding anniversary). I know I will be far behind stuff at work and home so don't see how I can get there this time. I also have a meeting with our W/C carrier that day. Keep me informed for possibliy the next time. (I have gotten really bad about SHRM meetings. Just don't seem to meet my needs.)
    E Wart
  • Patooie! So you finally figured out the real reason I wanted to work from home.
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