Theft by employees

Do any of you work for any employer that ships products small enough to be concealed in lunch boxes or purses? If so have you conducted inspections of lunch boxes and purses by observing the open vessels as the employees are walking out the door at the end of their shift? If you have done this have you had any problems from doing so? If you conducted such inspections did you post an advance notice announcing that on random days these inspections would occur? Our handbook does not specifically mention such inspections but rather uses general language stating that we will use all legal means possible to protect company property as well as employee property including posting of security guards and video surveillance.

Would appreciate hearing what your practice has been and what the results were.

Moon, from Louisiana


  • 9 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Your screen name brings back memories of Moon Mullins. Used to read that strip many years ago. I see that your name is Donald, same as mine, but your profile says you are female. Anyway...

    The company I worked for prior to this one had notices posted about the premises notifying all employees and visitors of the right to search person or purse, whether entering or leaving the facility. We manufactured and shipped reels of hi-tech TV cable that measured some 5 to 10 feet in diameter, so it never made sense to me. We never found one in a purse and I don't recall ever searching for one.

    Company attorneys advised that it was legal as long as you posted the notice conspicuously about the premises and in handbooks. State laws may vary. I think in California it would even be illegal to inquire of a visitor, "Did you steal anything?"

    Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
  • It is perfectly legal as long as the verbiage is non discriminatory and applied equally to both males and females. I once worked for a company that had a policy stating that they reserved the right to inspect all purses, packages, parcels and persons leaving the building. The problem was that they only inspected purses, parcels and packages of the women. Needless to say, being the rebel that I am, I refused and was told that I would lose my job if I failed to comply with the policy. After consulting with my attorney, and explaining how the policy was applied to employees. He explained that the policy was discriminatory because only women were targets of the inspections. Men never had to empty their pockets, nor were their briefcases or packages and parcels ever inspected. After my employer received a letter from my attorney the policy was changed to include briefcases and pockets for male employees. The policy was then applied to all employees equally.
  • How long did you work there after your attorney wrote the letter?

    Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
  • I stayed for about a year. There was no way that the company was ever going to fire me, that I was sure of. The policy was biased and was targeted towards the women, it was wrong how the company enforced it. The funny thing about it, I was never again asked to or required to open my purse or bags after my lawyer sent the letter. When I was leaving the building, the security guards would look the other way.
  • I worked for a pharmaceutical distributor. It was pretty tight security. Camera's everywher and in order to get near the product you had to have security clearance.

    You were never near the product without being on camera. We only had two instances of employees stealing or "discarding" product. They were both fired.

    Since we kept immaculate records on our product it was very hard to steal it, but some people tried anyway.

    We never did conduct a search of persons or packages, however our policy did state that we reserved the right to search anything and anyone on the premisis of the building.

    If you find that this is an issue, you could require that employees who work around the product only be able to carry clear bags - like they do in department stores.

  • I know of a local plant that has a similar policy. The signage is up and they will go for weeks without checking anyone, then suddenly one day they will check eveyone as they leave the building, including their office & admin. staff. Their ee's just open their lunch boxes, etc. as they leave the building. This will go on for a few days and then they will stop. Their HR dept. feels that by doing this on a random basis it serves to keep most eveyone honest.
    Good luck...
  • Does this obligation fall on the ultimate catch-all group, the HR Department?

    Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
  • LivindonSouth:

    Glad you called to my attention the error in my profile. I have been a male for 73 years and have no intentions of changing now.


  • OK, Moon, but you have an obligation to explain that screen name. I'm intrigued!

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