Turned Down Offers

I have recently begun experiencing an increase in the number of offers that are being turned down by applicants. We have, over several years, instituted a Tier 2 pay plan. The plan still leads the way in pay for like positions within the state of Alaska, in fact, most positions are well above the average for the state.

I would like to institute a post-offer survey of some sort to find out exactly why applicants are turning down offers.

I'm looking for samples of a similar survey. Does anyone have one they would be willing to share? If so, please e-mail to [email]hr@ci.unalaska.ak.us[/email]. Thanks in advance for any information provided.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I'm not familiar with a 'survey' to find out why people turn down offers. The key might be what feel you get in the final interview as to whether or not the candidate really is interested in working for you. Surely you can sense this and explore it in conversation. If nothing else, your last question in the final interview should be, "So, knowing what you do about the company and the benefits and the position I've covered, do you think you want to be among our final candidates for this position?" Gauge his reply and do some follow up. A rejected offer should never really be a surprise!
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 07-05-05 AT 08:49AM (CST)[/font][br][br]When the applicant refuses your offer, do you ask them why? At this point in the process, the answers you get should be truthful.
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