Joke gone bad in our newsletter
218 Posts
I have never had to deal with this type of situation so I REALLY need some advice...sorry this is SO long!
First, we have about 150 employees and our corporate culture is pretty laid back, we do joke around a lot and have an excellent "work-family" setting.
So, with that said...We put out a quarterly newsletter and this one we decided to poke fun at our uppermanagement staff. (myself included) The newsletter we made it look and read like a National Inquirer.
Everyone was asked prior to the jab about themselves being printed - except for one person. (not on purpose) Well, this person is upset about what was posted.
This manager a couple of years ago wore this carmel colored speedo and was the "butt" of a lot of jokes. (he joined in as well-he is also a fair skinned black man) Which made it look like he was wearing nothing at all since it matched his skin tone.
On our managers cruise a couple of months ago we were all at the pool and he wore it again stating "I thought you guys probably missed this".
Well, in our newsletter we have a picture of his face and a small picture of a carmel colored speedo and the ad read's "The flesh toned speedo -available at Joel's".
He became very upset about this and picked up his things and left the office saying if anyone needs him to call his cell phone.
Of course we ALL feel horrible as our intend was not to upset him - any suggestions on how to smooth this over...
Thank you...
First, we have about 150 employees and our corporate culture is pretty laid back, we do joke around a lot and have an excellent "work-family" setting.
So, with that said...We put out a quarterly newsletter and this one we decided to poke fun at our uppermanagement staff. (myself included) The newsletter we made it look and read like a National Inquirer.
Everyone was asked prior to the jab about themselves being printed - except for one person. (not on purpose) Well, this person is upset about what was posted.
This manager a couple of years ago wore this carmel colored speedo and was the "butt" of a lot of jokes. (he joined in as well-he is also a fair skinned black man) Which made it look like he was wearing nothing at all since it matched his skin tone.
On our managers cruise a couple of months ago we were all at the pool and he wore it again stating "I thought you guys probably missed this".
Well, in our newsletter we have a picture of his face and a small picture of a carmel colored speedo and the ad read's "The flesh toned speedo -available at Joel's".
He became very upset about this and picked up his things and left the office saying if anyone needs him to call his cell phone.
Of course we ALL feel horrible as our intend was not to upset him - any suggestions on how to smooth this over...
Thank you...
Cheryl C.
We are going to send him an apology and give him a gift certificate to a fancy restuarant.
Cheryl C.
James Sokolowski
I know!...I guess he just thought that he would grace us...being co-workers in upper management to see for ourselves...(nevermind) xflash
But, all is well again within the "LCF Family"
I hope you all have a safe and happy 4th!!!!
To make a point, what if a female coworker had showed up parading around in a thong bikini, spilling out of the top. (A red one at that!). Then she did it again and said, "Just in case you didn't see this earlier, here it is again." How in the hell can you embarass such a bold, forward person?
I've learned from various "faux paus" in the workplace that there is probably no joke ever told that will not be offensive to someone. Sometimes the person who is offended is the one you would least expect this from. Example: Co-worker who constantly jokes about his age "being an old man", etc. But let someone else take up the gauntlet and tease him back, then all of a sudden it's an age discrimination case.
Unfortunately, there is a very fine line that is very easy to cross in the workplace in our quest to be "laid back and family friendly". Chances are your family won't sue you (maybe), but your coworkers certainly will.
My $0.02 worth,
The Balloonman
Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion and with the gentlest of intentions.
I must say - I LOVE the disclaimer!!! xclap
Have a great day!!!
Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.