Background Screening

Recently our regulators (banking) are starting to strongly suggest that we begin pre-employment background checks, at least on managers and up. They also caution us on selecting the third-party provider. Does anyone have some names of reputable companies that provide this service?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Oh by the way, I am an avid reader of the forum and learned so much on many issues.


  • 9 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We use the County Sheriffs office and the Highway Patrol office. One does the State check, the other the Federal. Very inexpensive, which is important for a non-profit, but also very time consuming.

    It takes about 30 days for the turn-around, and employment is conditioned upon receiving a favorable background check. That timing might not work for your company.
  • The regular credit reporting agencies can perfrom this service. Don't forget that an applicant rejected due to poor credit is to be given the same information as a rejected loan applicant under the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
    Peyton Irby
    Editor, Mississippi Employment Law Letter
    Watkins Ludlam Winter & Stennis, P.A.
    (601) 949-4810
  • I work in the same industry - credit union. Our auditors have suggested that we do this for more "sensitive" positions like accounting and I/T but ... I consulted with my attorney and he says that we need to be consistant. In our industry there really isn't ANY position that is not a position of trust. And we have a fiduciary responsibility to our membership to protect. I presume you do a credit check on every new-hire already. The results of the credit check show addresses where the candidate has lived in the last 7 years. Presuming the candidate has only lived in your county you can check their background yourself for free. You will be able to find a website for local county criminal and civil as well as motor vehicle results. If they have background in other counties I typically hire that out and the cost is minimal. The turnaround is around about 2 days. Call One Credit Source -Robin Bruck (800)905-9678 x2934
  • I having been using "VALIDEX" successfully for two years. They are efficient, webbased, provide good support and appear to have all the legal issues covered. Easy to find on the internet.
  • [url][/url]

    This is a company we used to use, we do them internally now but had good results with them.
  • We use First Advantage:


    It is a web-based service, where you enter the data on the applicant, and you can look up the results on their website.

    Usually same day service on most types of reports. Some take longer.

  • We use Laborchex in Jackson and have been satisfied with results. You can contact them at 800-880-0366.
  • I've also used Laborchex for the past 10 years. They're a MS company and are reliable with a fairly quick turnaround time. The thing I like most about them is they have people you 'can talk to' if you need assistance or problem resolution, not a bunch of 'options' to wade through.
  • My organization is in the finance industry and we do fingerprint cards through the FBI and third party background reports. We are headquartered in California where there is more rigid regs on disclosure of the reports pulled / adverse impact terminations. We have good luck with this company: Information Resources. The Work Number is also doing background reports. What's helpful in using a third party is they take care of the disclosures for us and we get a very fast online web-based turnaround.
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