Employee Volunteer Forms

Our company does a lot of volunteer work - one of the activities we do is go to different pre-schools every Tuesday and read to the kids and give them a book.

My question is - do I have to have the employees sign a new volunteer form every time they go to a pre-school to read or would one volunteer form blanket all volunteer activities?

Thank you!


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • What type "forms" are you referring to? Is this from the entity at which you are volunteering or for your company?

    I've been associated with several local companies (through my family, friends and peers) that volunteer on a regular basis. I have never had to complete any type form nor have ever heard anyone else speak of completing forms.
  • Let me guess! It is some sort of release from liability form, right? Either to hold the school or yourself harmless, or both?
  • Below is the form that my company has been using for employees that volunteer. Any suggestions would be a GREAT help to me.

    Thank you!!!

    Volunteer Authorization Form

    Employee Name Last First Middle Initial
    Immediate Supervisor


    LCF actively supports community projects it selects by contributing LCF employee work time to those projects during normally scheduled working hours. Under no circumstances are employees authorized to work overtime at a volunteer site. (Employees may personally volunteer their own time beyond scheduled working hours.) LCF must approve each volunteer project for each employee.

    Wage Payment

    LCF will only pay wages for volunteer time as follows:

    The primary rule is that LCF will only pay for volunteer work performed during an employee’s normal shift/schedule. Therefore, if the start of the volunteer work is after the start of the employee’s normally scheduled start time, the time before the normally scheduled start time is time personally volunteered by the employee, and the employee will not be paid for that time.

    The second rule is that LCF does not pay for the commute time to and from work at LCF’s premises. And that rule extends to the commute time to (a) a volunteer project site that is the location where the employee first goes (rather than LCF’s premises), and (b) from the volunteer site to home (when the employee does not return to LCF’s premises from the volunteer site).

    LCF will only pay for the commute time (a) from LCF’s premises to a volunteer project site, and (b) from the volunteer project site back to LCF’s premises. If the employee will not have at least one full hour of work remaining in the regular schedule when the employee would arrive back at LCF’s premises, the employee shall not return to LCF’s premises from the volunteer site, and the employee shall note the time the volunteer time ended at the work site (at or before the regularly scheduled end of the employee’s shift).

    The employee is responsible for tracking (a) breaks, and (b) meal times while at a volunteer project site.

    In the following situations, the employee must submit a Time Exception sheet to the employee’s immediate supervisor for these situations:

    • The employee goes directly to the volunteer site at the start of the work day.
    • The volunteer schedule includes a meal time.
    • The employee does not return to LCF’s premises from the volunteer site.

    If the employee starts work at LCF’s premises, the employee shall clock in. If the employee returns to LCF’s premises after going directly to the volunteer site at the start of the work day, the employee shall clock in upon arrival at LCF’s premises.

    Here are a few examples for an employee with a normal work schedule of 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM:

    Example 1
    The employee arrives at LCF’s premises and clocks in at 8:00 AM. At 10AM, the employee departs for the volunteer site, works there for one hour and leaves at 11:00 AM, arriving back at LCF’s premises at 11:30 AM. The employee clocks out for lunch at 12:00 PM and returns and clocks back in at 1:00 PM. The employee clocks out at 5:00 PM. The employee has 8 hours of work and does not need to submit a Time Exception sheet.
    Example 2
    The employee arrives at LCF’s premises and clocks in at 8:00 AM. At 10;00 AM, the employee departs for the volunteer site, works there, takes a 1 hour lunch, leaves the volunteer site at 2:00 PM, arrives at LCF at 2:30 PM and clocks in, then clocks out at 5:00 PM. The employee has 8 hours of work and must submit a Time Exception sheet to document the lunch hour.
    Example 3
    The employee arrives at the volunteer site at 7:30 AM and starts work there. The employee takes a 1 hour lunch, leaves the volunteer site at 2:00 PM, arrives at LCF at 2:30 PM and clocks in, and then clocks out at 5:00 PM. The employee has 8 hours of work and must submit a Time Exception sheet to document (a) the start time of 8:00 AM, and (b) the lunch hour. The employee has personally volunteered the time from 7:30 AM to 8:00 AM and LCF will not pay for that personal volunteer time.
    Example 4
    The employee arrives at LCF’s premises and clocks in at 8:00 AM. At 10AM, the employee departs for the volunteer site, works there, takes a 1 hour lunch, leaves the volunteer site at 4:30 PM, and goes directly home (because there will not be at least one full hour of work time left if the employee returns to LCF). The employee has 7.5 hours of work and must submit a Time Exception sheet to document (a) the lunch hour, and (b) the end of the work day (4:30 PM).
    Example 5
    The employee arrives at LCF’s premises and clocks in at 8:00 AM. At 10AM, the employee departs for the volunteer site, works there, takes a 1 hour lunch, leaves the volunteer site at 6:30 PM, and goes home (because there will not be at least one full hour of work time left – the employee’s shift ended at 5:00 PM). The employee has 8 hours of work and must submit a Time Exception sheet to document (a) the lunch hour, and (b) the end of the work day (5:00 PM). The employee has personally volunteered the time from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM and LCF will not pay for that time.

    Immediate Manager’s Approval

    Date: ________________________ X____________________________

    Employee’s Agreement

    By signing below, I agree to (1) the rules provided above, and (2) hold harmless, indemnify and defend Lighthouse Credit Foundation, Inc., its directors, officers, employees, agents, and assigns, from any claim, loss, or liability caused in whole or in part by volunteer work and transportation I use to and from the volunteer site.

    Date: ________________________ X____________________________
    Approved Volunteer Projects

    Volunteer Project Date Approval Signature

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