
Can I send an employee home when they come to work with a staff infection?

Employees baby was at the hospital and is being treated for a staff infection. While at the hospital ee gets doctor to look at her arm, he says probably a staff infection. She says I have antibiotics at home.

She has since then been coming to work with an open "staff infection" on her arm. I asked her to put a bandage on it so that it is covered. Other ee's are concerned.


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I would call your local health department and ask their opinion. If it is a health concern, I would send her home with the option to use PTO.
  • Concur with SMace, although as a member of my regional health board, I'm not sure your health dept will know much. Here is a link to a web site with some info about staph infections:

    I'm not sure I'd want her at work, depending on how it looks. If it is oozing, a bandage might not contain it, plus she could be "contaminating" everything she touches. Use your judgement, and consider writing a communicable diseases policy. :>)
  • I agree with both responses. We are not currently on a PTO system. Keeping in mind that in our office any illness (usually brought in by parents with kids in daycare) goes down the hall office by office, supervisors can and do order employees home with contagious illnesses and can also request a doctor's note to return to work. We also have a contagious disease clause in our sick leave policy. We would rather pay an hourly employee to stay home for a couple of days, than have 80% of the employees on the floor out for 2-4 days!
  • Thanks for your replies. I looked at it today and it doesn't seem to be too alarming. She says she is taking antibiotics.

  • Taking Anti-bodies does not mean that the infection is abated/whipped. Thus, it would not mean that the ee is not a carrier. I believe I would have our retained physician check it out as a safety issue. The risk is to great to have wished to have handle the situation any differently.

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