EE and domestic violence

I received information from a friend in law enforcement that his officers have been called to an ee's (supervisory position) home on more than one occasion recently for domestic disturbance although no charges have been filed against him yet. Our company does pre-employment background checks and the policy has been to deny employment to individuals who have a history of violent crime. When the ee was originally hired there was no record. There is still no record.

I feel that since this situation has not resulted in any arrest or charge, in his own home and was not on company time, and the information received was not sought, I have no business approaching the ee about it. I am also concerned that if I turn away from the information I received and ignore it, that I may be enabling violence by not addressing it in some manner. What would you do in this situation?


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • If this matter has not impacted your workplace I would do nothing except to caution "my friend in law enforcement" about relaying information gained during the course of his/her work when charges have not been filed.

  • What would you do about an alcoholic whose drinking does not impact his/her performance? Regardless of how you found out this person was an alcoholic?

    There is nothing that you can do b/c the information you have received is hearsay and is gossip.

    IF and that is a big IF - IF you feel you really really need to do anything - you can suggest your EAP to the employee. BUT I wouldn't mention anything specific. Just - Hey Bob! You seem like you have had something on your mind lately. Here is our EAP information, they might be able to help if something is troubling you.

    End of story. But again, that is a big IF.
  • Any action you take would be based on gossip. Domestic disturbance does not mean "violence"; and I have known wives to call law on husbands for no reason other than to aggravate. This one should be left alone, and you are right; you have no business approaching the employee about it.
  • Thank you - you've confirmed what the logical part of my brain was already telling me.
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