Business Analyst Company on the up & up???

Can anyone give me any feedback on the George S. May Company? I understand they conduct business analysis for companies and give reccommendation on how a company should be structured, how managers should be trained, etc. I've also heard they are not worth the money. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I've heard the name but have no first hand experience with them. What little I do know about these types of organizations is that unless your owner/CEO sets the expectation for change and really buys into it, it is a waste of money no matter who you use. I think they're great for an outside perspective and do have something to offer, but again, unless there's an internal willingness to change current practices, its a waste of time and money.
  • I agree with dchr9203 -
    We had a consultant firm come in for approx. 1 month and go over areas for improvement, Management flow charts, SOP's, Performance issues, Management meetings,Employee handbook, Accounting procedures, etc.

    Some of the items are still enforced but majority fell by the wayside due to neglect or time restraints. It is informative but you do need strict enforcement of the policies or plans set up by the consultants otherwise, it is a waste of both time and money.

    Many of the items they suggest are probably things that have already been discussed within your firm it is just a matter of implimentation.

    The consultants we utilized charged tens of thousands to do this with an additional maintenance agreement for 1 yr at approx 2-3 thousand per month. IMHO not worth the money.

    If you do decide to go to a consulting firm have areas you want help in and set up parameters.

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