
I am doing my first layoff today due to reorganization of my company. Employee has been here over 9 years. Does anyone have any suggestions that could hopefully make this go as easy as possible?

Thank you in advance


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Just do it. Be kind, but up front and honest. Don't give hope for future recall, if there is no hope. Provide as many benefits as possible (severence, extended health benefits, unemployment, etc.) and provide the employee with as much information as possible to make sure they have full use of whatever benefits are provided. Offer to write a nice letter of referral, if appropriate. If the employee wants to talk, even out of frustration, listen for a while. Take notes if appropriate. Sometimes letting them get anger off their chest by ranting to you now can diffuse any problems later. You could also do a little bit of research on how they can best go about a new job search in your community. I realize you can't do everything for them, but if they have a clear direction to take when they leave your office they are less likely to sit around and stew.
  • I always find layoffs difficult. Is this the only employee being laid off? IF so, why (there has to be a reason he was chosen.)

    Be honest. It is a corporate restructuring and the need for his position has been eliminated. Simple as that. He may be shocked, then again, perhaps not.

    Good luck and happy Friday!!
  • Yes, we are eliminating his position because of corporate restructuring and have found that we can absorb his duties in house and save a lot of money in the process.
  • JF12: Move from a letter of reduction in force to a discussion on arrangements for clearing out his desk after hours or right now depending on the character of the individual and his ability to handle the situation.

    I have never felt Blessed on these days when it was me with letter to give to someone else or the letter received by me from another HR member or my boss.

    We wish you well.

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