What's your PTO policy?

We're trying to clarify our PTO policy when it comes to sick time taken when the employee has already worked extra hours.

Our full-time workweek is based on 37.5 hours. Let's say an employee works the following schedule:
Mon - 7.5 Hours
Tue - 8.5 Hours
Wed - 10.0 Hours
Thu - 2.0 Hours (5.5 Hours sick time)
Fri - 7.5 Hours

Totals: 35.5 hours worked, 5.5 hours sick time

Since the employee has worked 35.5 hours and only needs 2.0 hours to equal a full workweek, would your PTO policy pay simply 2.0 hours sick time or 5.5 hours sick time?


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We treat this as making up PTO time. In our company, we would pay 35.5 regular pay and 2 hours PTO. Does your company have such a policy in place? What have you done in the past?

    I would 1st check to see if this is addressed anywhere. Is it in your employee manual? Do you have it written in your payroll procedures? Perhaps it is not actually written in your P&P, but has been practiced this way in the past. If you can't find any history either way, then you can implement your policy as you wish. I would get it written up as soon as possible (though it may not apply to the above employee since it is after the fact).

    Finally, I am assuming there is no state law where you live that says differently. Perhaps someone from your state and chip it and tell us.

    Good luck!
  • Thanks for the input! No, it is not written into our policy and, unfortunately, there has not been much continuity in how this situation has been addressed in the past. (My intention is definitely to clarify the policy as soon as possible, but I first wanted to "survey" what other companies do.)
  • We would have paid sick pay based on the number of hours they were scheduled to work on that day.
  • We allow ees to make-up lost time based on business needs. In your scenario, we would only charge two hours of PTO if the supervisor approved a schedule change. We had to put some restraints on the policy because ees were basically making their own schedule and that wasn’t good. We’d have twenty public service ees one day and 60 the next. Some limits were required to make sure we were adequately staffed.

    Anne in Ohio
  • We would pay 35.5 regular hours and 2 hours of sick for most of our positions.

    We do have one union contract that requires OT to be calculated based on the day's hours not the week. They would get paid 32 regular hours, 3.5 OT hours and 5.5 sick hours.

    Some employees like the extra pay and some people like saving their time.
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