Weight loss contest

I realize this is probably not the place to post, but I figured I'd get more responses.

Has anyone done one of these? Something like each department has X # of days to see who loses the most weight. The winner would get to split prize money.

I know there are some pitfalls such as people using unhealthy ways to lose the weight just to win the money. But, I'm still interested.

Does anyone have a plan they could share or feedback on whether it was beneficial or not?


  • 9 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 05-06-05 AT 12:33PM (CST)[/font][br][br]I've done it but on a more individual basis. Its an annual weight loss and fitness contest that employees can sign up for; I charged a $10 donation to the company's charity of choice. Its also a small incentive to get the employee to "own" the commitment. Two categories, male and female, and one overall winner, so 3 prizes for weight loss protion, then 3 categories for the fitness portion (m/f/overall). The employee who lost the greatest percentage of weight in the given timeframe, generally ran from Jan 1 to April 31, received cash and gift prizes. At that time, it was $100 for each category, and an addition $100 for overall. Then there was a concurrent contest for fitness with several levels and criteria; most improved; strongest, etc. The winners of either or both contests won cash, and jackets and t-shirts from the company store. We provided weight loss and fitness tips and had employees sign a disclaimer that they participated willingly and understood the company did not encourage any unhealthy or dangerous activities to reach the goals, blah blah. We had an employee who was a personal trainer on the side who provided lots of information and guidelines. If you decide to pursue it, I would recommend "contracting" a local certified personal trainer and have them help you develop a program. You might even have a moonlighting personal trainer among your employees. You never know! Good luck. It can be a lot of fun and our employess at the time thought it was a great opportunity and had fun with it.
  • I'd be careful about that "moonlighting personal trainer among your employees." Think FLSA.
  • Do you think the habits stayed with them?

    Do you have any communications or forms you could send me that went along with it?

    Don't feel obligated to send me anything. I'm just being kind of lazy. Also if you send it to me, you may be overwhelmed with requests.
  • The habits did stick with some of them. It was a few years ago; I'll see what I can find and if I still have the stuff, I'll let you know so you can let me know how to get it to you.
  • Just did one for the quarter. We measured body fat and weight loss - keeping confidential information of course. Winner got $250. Now going for 6 months - winner will receive $350. For the year will be $500. We used a website for measuring. Everyone signed in and had someone witness it. It was turned in to HR. At the end of 3 months, the process was repeated.
  • We are in the middle of a ‘biggest loser’ contest right now. (April 1 – June 30)

    Our contest is voluntary and consists of teams rather than individuals. Over 55% of our ees have signed on to win a “highly coveted reward”. No one knows what this might be, including the contest coordinator. No one cares – winning is the thing in our highly competitive workplace. Bragging rights are more important than a tangible prize. We don't have any money, so we know it won't be cash.

    Sabotage is rampant. A box of Thin Mints mysteriously turned up in Administration this morning. I baked soft pretzels three days last week and left them in the break room for others to enjoy.

    So far, six (I think) teams have lost 265 lbs. And we’re having fun.

    Anne in Ohio
  • Ours was voluntary also. However, our theme was to work as a team and support each other. Everyone was very cooperative about not bringing in donuts, cookies, cakes, etc. If we had company luncheons, we had salad and fruit and/or grilled chicken. We all wanted people to lose pounds and the money was secondary to most. The support everyone gave each other was great.
  • We just got done with a contest that was city wide. Companies formed their own teams and competed against other companies in town. Winner got fruit and veggie trays. It was alot of fun and the radio stations were involved with prizes and it was broadcast on the radio so you knew what companies were winning each week. The radio stations also gave out small prizes to each company that they could use as incentives. It was alot of fun and there was alot of weight loss in town!
  • Seems every year we have some kind of a weight loss contest going on. But, it is organized by individuals and not sponsored by the company. Usually word gets around and anyone who wants to participate can from the newest recruit up to senior management. Even I will participate sometimes.

    We've done it several ways with and without incentives. Sometimes the person who loses the most pounds wins. Sometimes it is based on a percentage of one's total weight. Sometimes people set a personal goal and whoever reaches or exceeds their goal wins. One word of caution, don't let an engineer get involved using percentages all kinds of strange calculations.

    Oh, and it does seem that some of the same people are involved every year.
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