Customer Requesting Our Employees' SSN/DOB

Our company just landed a large contract with a new customer who has requested some very intrusive information about OUR employees who will be periodically working on THEIR site. (For example, one thing they want to know is the number of days our EEs are sick.) I can't figure out why they would need half the stuff they're asking for...

I currently have a request on my desk for a particular EE's name, DOB, SSN and date of most recent drug test. The form states that we must permit our client to audit documentation of drug tests. The information is required in order for our employee to receive a contractor badge.

This just doesn't seem right to me... are there any laws that I can site for the purpose of protecting our employees' right to privacy in these areas?


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I would start by asking them to cite their authority so that you can pass it along to your legal counsel. Are they some sort of defense contractor? If this is their own internal policy, it's bizarre. If it's a government requirement, I would bounce it off my company attorney. At minimum I would offer all the resistance I could. What does your company president say? You may want to make your recommendation through him. You don't HR blamed for losing a contract.
  • What does the contract say and did whoever sign it know what they were signing?
  • I haven't seen the actual contract. The client is a very large company and we will be providing services related to transportation and handling of medical waste and chemicals, so I understand their desire to ensure we have safe employees and safe practices. But having said that, I still don't think some of the information requested is warranted...
  • They may have the legal obligation to audit the drug test program of subcontractors and perhaps be held liable for their performance. While it is the Federal Transit Authority, instead of DOT, the Transit District where I hang out part time has that obligation and the FTA and DOT aren't that much different when it comes to drug testing expectations. Assuming that you have to provide information about drug testing, I would resist the rest of it, until the Pres. or attorney says you are obligated.
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