saliva drug screens

I'm looking to save $$ on our after hours drug screens, which shoot up to $150 (from $25). Does anyone have experience with saliva drug testing? Basically, the EE places the collection pad in their mouth for 2 minutes and results are available within minutes. We would save time and money. We would be using this for on the job injuries only at this point as a trial run. Just wanted some feedback from others who may use this process.


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We have been using this for the past 6-8 months. It is not a test that can detect illegal substances in someone's system for as long a period of time as the urine or blood tests. But is not meant for that. It is meant to catch someone that has recently used, and for that it is effective. So those that use infrequently are not going to get caught using this test, unless it was recent use. Habitual users will be caught.

    It also is supposedly fool proof. We had an ee that was notified of being tested. When he reported to the mgr.'s office, and put the swab in his mouth, the manager was knocked back by the smell of bleach. The ee had gargled bleach trying to get past the test. Still tested positive. A word of advice, do not let the ee leave the room once the swab is out in their mouth. Have a manager sit with them the entire time to verify the test was acurrately administered.
  • Anyone determined enough to gargle with bleach is a loaded gun waiting to go off. Give him his last rites and remove his feeding tube immediately before someone gets killed.
  • He was suspended pending discharge until the results came back. Then he was quickly escorted from the prenises. I agree it takes someone a few cards short of a deck to gargle with bleach, but at least he was not walking around with a friend's urine for several years! 8-}
  • I've looked into them and my wife is in this industry so I know a little bit about them. They're up there with hair follicle testing. Not 100% accepted yet.

    The problem with what you're trying to do is not necessarily with the method. The issue lies with how well the test will hold-up when it is administered in-house by the employer.

    I would swallow the added cost of the after-hours testing as the cost of doing business. This should be added incentive to drive a harder safety program :)

    Good luck.

  • Which leads me to my next question. If your results are negative, do you still send to the lab for confirmation and review by the MRO?

    If positive, our plan is to then send to the emergency room for a second test and review. Fortunately, I've only had 1 test come back positive. Although I probably just jinxed myself.

  • I'd be finding another testing company that wasn't going to hi-jack you for the after-hours testing.
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