Does anyone here employ a Customer Relationship Manger? and if so do you have a job description you would share? We are upgrading our Customer Service supervisor position (once she retires) to a CRM as we want someone with more technical expertise. Thank you.


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • CRM: HOW IS THE SUPERVISOR position presently classified. The up grade to Manager from an EXEMPT classified situation should not be a difficult issue unless the supervisor position is not truly EXEMPT?

  • Currently the supervisor position is non-exempt and does not require the technical experience that the new position will.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 04-13-05 AT 01:40PM (CST)[/font][br][br]CRM: Now that we have that information, What are the mental and technical experiences that are now going to be changed in order to reach the level of decision making and responsibility for a share of the company business to be managed by this new position manager? Or, will there be more than one clerical position that will report to this position? How will the position be structured, where the new individual will spend a vast majority of her/his time accomplishing the service on behalf of the company?

    From these questions, you should read my doubt that there may be sufficient non-labor activities assigned to this position, that would then support a re-classification to manager and an EXEMPT position. The key is going to be the supervision of at least two clerks who do the physical work and the manager makes decisions all day long on the customer service activities to which the clerks are responding. Otherwise, you would only have a "lead customer service representative" doing the same things as the clerks, with a possible additional computer program put in their to support the clerks activities!!!!!

    Back in my retail days, we had a "return warehouse supervisor" who arranged for the products that had a warranty to be collected in our office warehouse, I wanted to up-grade her position to management and pay her a salary and a bonus based on the successful attainment of warranty $ollars, available. She had 2 part-time clerks that helped her to keep all of the products tagged and referenced for ease of location and turn around.

    Our efforts to accomplish this event was stopped by our retained attorney because she only supervised around 40 hours of labor from two part-time employees. We had even added a point of sale technical cash register computer to assist her in the technical activities, that did not help. Nothing changed and we continued to tie up warranty $ollars for much longer than we should.

  • Judy; as you know, calling her a manager or a supervisor or whatever else will not drive whether she/HE is exempt. But that wasn't your question. I don't have a job description.
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