Telling your boss, "This is what I want."

After being in my position at my company for 4 years, I'm evaluating things and deciding how I'd like to move forward at this point. Some of the changes I'd like to see deal with HR issues (training, employee motivation, etc.); other changes I'd like to see deal with how I'm treated as a member of the corporate team (would like more of a say in things, etc.).

Has anyone presented something similar to this to their supervisors? What were some of the things you listed?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I've never had the problem of not being respected or acknowledged as a member of management, but I have addressed some of the other issues you mentioned.

    Before approaching the decision makers, have a plan. Have good documentation as to what you are proposing will help and how you will implement. Be prepared to defend your ideas with facts, not just "I think it will".
  • I have done something like this more than once. Your approach and success thereof will depending on the personality of your supervisor, and his/her relative level in your particular heirarchy. Timing is very important. I have found the most success using one of two basic timing approaches.

    The first is obvious, do it during your annual evaluation. This is a time when such things are normally discussed and you might find your immediate supervisor more open to the ideas of development and change. Approach the items on your list as Popeye suggested.

    The second is to choose a time immediately following a big success or a time when you have clearly demonstrated your skill(s) and value to the company. This can be a big springboard as your credibility capital account will be quite full and you can use that value quite effectively.

    As to the list itself, only you can determine what is on it. It will be based on your assessment of what is needed. We cannot really add much without a whole lot more information.

    This is an awesome point in your own development where you can take the things you have observed and learned and showcase your view of the big picture and your place therein.

    Good luck.
  • Great points Marc and Popeye.
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