Managers vs. Supervisors

It seems like every year at budget time we go through someone wanting a new "title". Supervisors want their titles changed to "Manager", etc. Does anyone have established criteria as far as what qualifies someone for the title of "manager"? "supervisor"? coordinator"?, etc. For example, do certain titles required a 4 year degree and a certain amount of experience? Input is greatly appreciated! Thanks.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • That is a very good question! I've wondered how many hats were required on the rack before I would be considered a Manager. Guess I'll know when we do reviews next week.

    Cheryl C.
  • SUE2: The basis for this issue lies in the EXEMPT category of the FLSA. Normally, a chain of "responsibility and authority" is associated with the EXEMPT category of EXECUTIVES. The supervison and control of two or more personal within a minimum of a 80 hour work week (40 by each) will safely place one into the EXECUTIVE EXEMPT category and a salary of no less than $455.00 gross per week is a sure winner.

    At this stage the controlling factor of what you want to call or entitle one is up to the organization and the direction of the most senior leaders. Who ever has the biggest stick or largest "bite" usually tells the rest, how things will be done in this "HOG HOUSE".

    We used to have Supervisors that managed a team of 3 employees at least 120 hours a week (40 for each). We now have a new Production manager and he is calling these same junior leader employees as his Department Managers, but he then decided to pay them all by the hour and with O/T. Where he came from that is how it was laid out. Instead of him changing, we had to change the lives of 111 employees and two stressed HR employees. We are getting used to it, but the work force after a year are still confused, but they don't care because now they are getting paid O/T and Holiday pay. They have not yet realized that they lost their bonus program as a result of the reconfigration.

    Lot to say, Good Luck. Just make sure you get the pay straight based on function and not what you call them.

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