Can't perfor for Random Test
205 Posts
Never had this happen before. How would you handle it. One of our random selections was not able to "perform" for random unrine test this morning. Our clinic is open from 8-12 then closes from 12-2. This person was sent at 11:20. Drank and drank water both before going and arriving at clinic. Could not get adaquate sample before clinic closed for lunch. I am sending her again at 2:00. My question however is would you send her again today or hold off and send her again some time this month unannounced as today's test was? I really don't think there would be a problem with this ee but you know what assuming does for us. Your thoughts please.
Like Don said, shy bladders are rare, but has anyone ever run into one? How was it diagnosed? By a doctor? If so, then what? I like to be ready for anything.
We once had an applicant who submitted a sample, but it wasn't to temperature. I felt sorry for the poor guy. You spend all that money on "Tinkle" synthetic urine and the damn heater strip doesn't work. And there he was, stuck in the room without a microwave anywhere.
Trust me, 1 hour of t-bones/side straddle hops in quick succession with no breaks while downing warm canteen water and you will produce. Abu Gharib would be a welcome relief to doing this with your bladder ready to explode claiming you "just can't pee".
I then made the mistake of signing for the cup. Took me 3 hours before I could pee as I had just emptied my bladder.
It can happen, and it can be legit.........
My $0.02 worth,
THe Balloonman
I have never had any other "difficulty", so I believe it truly was stage fright. Thankfully the staff at the clinic was kind, and it wasn't very busy.
If I were still doing testing, I would probably try to send people as early as possible so there is plenty of time before that break or the end of the day. (A two hour lunch? Where do I sign up???)
A company can not jeopardize its drug testing policy and have it to hold up in a court of law. Follow your company policy and if you do not have a statement to cover your actions for non-performers, you should get one. A random selection program will be destroyed, if you do not get the test accomplished in a 24 hour period of time after notification, or whatever time limit you have set and in place at the time of the selection of this female employee. Are you willing to put your entire drug testing policy in jeopardy?
Thanks again to all.